Saturday, August 30, 2008

Long week wrap-up

• This was on my Facebook page today, more than a week after the Olympics wrapped up. The only people left in Beijing now are Michael Phelps - still trying to win medals and randomly consuming 12,000 calories a day of whatever he can get his hands on - and that sad little Chinese girl that the government said was too ugly to sing in the opening ceremony. Watch out little Chinese girl! Don't let Michael eat you!

• Hmmmm... I'd stick with the yellow you were so fond of.

• This is the real Timmy from Lassie. How is he not dead? This show was on in the 1880s! They're on like their 19th Lassie. Or maybe this is Timmy's great-great-grandson, like they do with Lassies? All I really remember from the show is the way he could dismount his bike while it was still in motion, a feat I tried to re-create in my backyard with disastrous consequences.

• Obama to Biden: I'd tap that.

Is this how he won you over, Joey?

1 comment:

BitterIsBetter said...

My co-workers mentioned that when they saw Hilary cross the stage all they could think of was the Charlie Brown special "The Great Pumpkin". Pretty sure that was never on her list of things she wanted people to think about her.

Pretty sure.