Wednesday, July 02, 2008

But what will become of the sad housewives?

Quite a while ago - before I got my current job with my Daytime Baby - I interviewed at a magazine directed at sad housewives. It’s that type of magazine that prints 50 diet tips on one page, then molten chocolate brownie recipes on the next page. They cancel each other out! I did not shout in the interview. Can’t we just print blank pages and call it a day?

Despite me not pointing that out, they still didn’t hire me. I was bummed at the time, even though it was a job I knew I’d hate. It was like a really ugly guy asking out your friend. Part of you is like, “Phew, dodged that bullet” but you’re also like “Wait, why didn’t he like me?”

Anyway, I quickly bounced back from not having to cheer up America’s sad housewives and hadn’t thought about them since. But I found out they shut down yesterday.


Unknown said...

Why are housewives always "sad" or "desperate?"

If I got to stay home, do some crap around the house and watch TV in my boxer briefs I'd be "happy" and "satisfied."

Was that sexist? I hope not. said...

Not all housewives are sad, but the ones this magazine was trying to grab were most definitely not happy.

Red said...

You best not be talking about O magazine, lady.

Actually, you can't be. The American economy could fold and Oprah would still have her magazine. And all the nuclear weapons, probably.