Basement of the Astor Place Kmart
Me: perusing Martha Stewart’s big shiny balls for my Jewish roommate’s and my pan-religious winter holiday decorations.
Other players: Assorted unenthused Kmart team members shuffling around ribbons, trying to look busy, shouting back and forth to each other.
Guy: I hate this department! The merchandise sucks. The customers suck.
I tip my hat to him. He’s remarkably unembarrassed.
Girl: You just gotta man up and do it, Trevon.
Guy: (Heavy sigh) You can’t man up in seasonal.
Heh. Martha Stewart's big shiny balls. Heh.
That's funny. Because I am 12.
All that time between posts and that's all we get? No, it's okay. I dig it. Is Trevon implying that there are other departments within a Kmart where it is possible to "man up?" Doesn't he have to wear a red vest on the job?
I also think Martha Stewart's balls are funny. But I'm 28.
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