Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Fairly unbalanced

Fox News (I'm still obsessed!) ran a piece today about the Obama family getting ready to decorate the White House and relaying what sort of food first families have enjoyed. (Chelsea liked Kraft Mac and Cheese! And Obama's little girls like ice cream.) Awwww. (Unrelated: I want to be those kids' white nanny in some sort of '80s sitcom scenario.)

But this is Fox News, so things took a turn to the predictably racist early on in the comments, with each bunker huddler frantically clacking their fingers over the keys to get their fried-chicken jabs in first.


Jacob said...

I love how the one guy compares this to the the treatment Bush has received. Yes, making fun of a guy for stuff that is specific to him is exactly the same as making fun of a guy based on racial stereotypes that have nothing to do with the way he's portrayed himself. I mean does anyone really look at anyone in the Obama family and thing "ghetto" or "dirty south"? If you do, you have problems.

And the food stereotypes never really made sense to me. With the exception of chitterlings (which I've never had but my students say are good as long as you clean them properly) that the same stuff I grew up on. It's just normal food to anyone growing up in the South outside of the major metro areas. Seriously, none of that food carries a racial connotation for me. I hear fat back and I think back to spending the night with my best friend's red-headed and blue eyed family.

Allie said...

The amount of ignorance out there never ceases to amaze me.

Fried chicken and watermelon sounds good to me...does that mean I'm black to?

Mickey said...

I don't get it: Is there something not to like about chicken and watermelon?

Do republicans and racists not eat chicken? This is news.

ReasonswhyIdumpedyou@gmail.com said...

That's the weird thing. In what word would you whisper the insinuation that someone likes ... you know ... watermelon?