Thursday, February 01, 2007

Hillary Clinton, Jumanji and other worries

Top five concerns for the day:

* I’m wearing a wide headband, which I’m afraid makes me look like Hillary Clinton circa ’92.

* I accidentally didn’t give my seat up on the subway today for a pregnant woman. My usual rule is that you have to take a pre-natal vitamin in front of me so I know you’re not just carrying some pudge in the middle, but this woman was obviously about to give birth at any moment. She was pretty much doing Lamaze breathing, but I somehow didn’t see her, even though when I looked up to get off, her fetus might as well have been making eye contact with me. I feel sheepish. I know I do a lot of horrible things everyday, but I try to redeem myself by giving up my seat for the worthy cases.

* I am disproportionately attached to my Sharpie Ultra pens. I’m not loyal to very many brands (besides Starbucks, JetBlue and Apple) but I get a little twitchy if my S.U. go missing. They make my handwriting so good! And they’re really nice colors too. Go – as the kids say – cop some posthaste.

* My company’s bookstore is closing. They were supposed to be done with inventory and open up Monday for this big out-of-business sale, but there was a sign yesterday postponing the opening until today. Then today I got there and the sign said “The bookstore is not open. (Thanks ‘cause I couldn’t see the gate was closed, the lights were off and it was empty.) The bookstore will be open when the gates are open.”
Meow! Like they’re having to fend off a torch-wielding mob? We just want some reasonably priced CDs and discount cards.

* My sister is substitute teaching this week and had a kid named Safari (a girl of course) in her class. And then there was Jumanji. Also a girl, which is weird because this is clearly a boy’s name. Also the name of a 1995 movie that is not necessarily a great namesake for a child. Also a silly word. And if we’re going to just start naming kids after Robin Williams movies, I’m naming my firstborn either RV or Good Morning Vietnam. Or if I have twins, Patch and Adams.


Red said...

Jumanji! That kills me. At least it wasn't that big a movie, so maybe kids won't tease her about it forever. Please tell me she and Safari are BFF, because that would be awe-some.

Red said...

Also (I CAN'T STOP!) let's book some playdates now so your Patch and Adams will have plenty of time to build couch forts with my Dead Poets and Good Will.

3carnations said...

We went to storytime at the museum a few weeks ago, and there was a little boy named Tiger. A few of his fingernails were painted pink. What are they trying to do there? Imagine the confusion...Am I a boy? A girl? A wild cat?

Untrainable said...

You have another worry -- who's keeping swans in the apartment next door. said...

Red - Oh yes, I'm all over this.

3 - I know a Tiger too! That's just zany. Is he around 7 or 8?

TAN - Even if I have the best of intentions, I think nothing good can come from me giving up my seat to someone based on weight. Just nothing good.

Untrainable – I fear geese, so I assume I fear swans as well. (Ever since I was chased down by geese last year in a park.) I was out of bread!

Unknown said...

See? Patch and Adams doesn't sound as bad as Jumanji somehow.

I also hate it when they give 'em names like Rain, Cloud, Summer and so on...

Who names their kid 'Cloud'?

Kate, I used to be faithful to my Sharpie pen also and wouldn't write with anything but, and then someone introduced me to the STABILO Sensor pens.

I've had to order them online because they won't sell them anywhere locally but I cannot write with anything else nowadays.

3carnations said...

This Tiger was only 3 or 4. So there are two of them. In a few years, the name will probably make the top ten...

steve said...

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the best Robin Williams name ever:


Too much like "dork"? No!