Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's merriment

Tonight, on the way to meet some friends to drink away the emotional parfait that is Valentine's Day, I passed the park of the Notorious Breakup. It was one of my finest hours.

Seriously, there should be a plaque to me.

The Newly Ex and I met up for a lunch that day, and I'd written one of those fuck you/I'll always care for you/go to hell/best of luck with everything notes that tackles everything you want to say to someone you might see for the final time, sealed it and went to meet him.

He ripped it up dramatically without opening it, saying I should say whatever I have to say in person. Instead I handed him an identical handwritten copy of the note.

"What's this?"
"A copy of the same note."
"What? Why?"
"Because I know you well enough that I knew you'd want to make a dramatic statement by ripping it up, but you also want to know what it says, so now you can have it both ways."

And in the middle of the breakup, we both smiled.


Jacob said...

There's a darkly humorous beauty to this post.

Mickey said...

Nice. said...

Thanks. I feel like I got more personal than usual on this one.

Red said...

Love this. And love you both, anyway. said...

We share custody of you, Red.

Courtney said...

Breakups suck big time, but if you can smile in the middle of it, that probably makes it a little easier.

Anonymous said...

That's just a fabulous tale. Straight out of the movies. But who would play Kate...?

Red said...

Winona Ryder! When I met Kate I thought she looked just like her.