Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Honk if you want Juliet to Mount-a-you

Naw, shawty, don't be drinking that.

Because I just pretty much copy whatever this girl does (I'm often referred to as the Red of the Upper East Side) here is my recent crop of Googlers. I hope you crazy kids all found what you were looking for when Google delivered my posts.

bumper stickers that the capulets and the montagues might put on their cars if the lived today

Co-dependants anonymous. Poison control hotline number: 1-800-hear-the-rest-of-the-story-before-you-drink-that (It’s long distance). My other car is a hearse. Follow me to the Globe Theater. Swords don’t kill people, poorly informed teens kill people. Honk if you want Juliet to Mount-a-you.

mtv sex in the 90's sin bin

the dog brothers from mtv

mtv dog brothers sin bin

the dog brothers mtv

See, I don’t kid when I say this is most of my Google traffic. The people cry out for a reunion show, Viacom. Make it happen!

daddy's on his hig

Boy does that bring back some childhood memories. A cool summer night, playing with my brother and sister in the yard, Dad in the background zipping around on his hig.

fox syxy

You know it, son! It’s the only way I know how to roll.

blogspot hubris bodacious

There are three words I use to describe myself. Those words are: Blogspot. Hubris. Bodacious.

name some kids hobbies

Wii, texting, shoplifting, hoop-and-stick

jonathan taylor Thomas

Still alive and kickin’!

redheads look alike

Word up.


Are you there, Ma? I call out to you in the dark, anonymous hollows of cyberspace.

pilar bardem and her necklaces

Yes! Can we talk about those?!?!? Less is more, Pilar. Less is more.

the roaring 20 toilets

I like to imagine it as a set of 20 toilets.

Kate apartment hidden camera

Oh. My. God. I should probs follow up on this.


Anonymous said...

I can't for the life of me figure out how this game works! Is there something wrong with me?

ReasonswhyIdumpedyou@gmail.com said...

It's all the Google searches people use to find my blog. Play along at home!

Courtney said...

How long did it take you to come up with Juliet Mount-a-you? Because that is damn clever.

ReasonswhyIdumpedyou@gmail.com said...

My old AP English teacher would be so proud.

Jacob said...

Most of my google searches are image searches for panda porn and meth addicts. This is a cool idea though. I may still it just like you gave me permission to.

Jacob said...

steal, not still.

Red said...

The Dog brothers!!! Do you know what's so funny? I made you watch that the first weekend that you met me. Hee!

Raychel Celeste said...

I've been reading your blog recently (can't remember how I found it) but do you mind if I put a link to your blog on mine?

ReasonswhyIdumpedyou@gmail.com said...

Link away! And tell a friend.