Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Viva la Arches!

I like to check in with tea once a year to make sure I still hate it. (Memo to tea: I still hate you. See you in Spring 2009!)

Likewise, I like to annually pop into a McDonalds ("Mickey D's" as the teens in commercials like to say right before I hit them) just to make sure it's still one step from chaos. You'll be delighted to know I can report back that the revolution is still a-brewin' there.

The least you need to know about my visit: A crackhead cut in front of me in line. I don't even mean that disparagingly. She was actually on the crack. Also, a hazelnut coffee with half-and-half could be substituted for a skim, sugar-free ice coffee.

I can only hope and pray none of my loved ones are inside the fateful day the homeless overthrow the minimum-wage government there and co-opt the fry machine in some sort of South American-style coup.


Jacob said...

I love tea. I always brew up a cup or two of oolong most mornings. I grew up on sweet tea, but don't drink that much anymore.

Jacob said...

I also like how they basically stole the Chick-fil-A sandwich and then acted like it was something entirely new.