Thursday, December 21, 2006

Does CNN think I'm busy or retarded?

CNN has got to be the perfect solution to being on the Internet at work. You look like you're catching up on today's Ahmadinejad updates (oh, Mahmoud, you so crazy!) but you're really getting sucked in by this:

Answers: Don't do it, and yes, she is.

CNN is quickly becoming my top source for all cat-who-called-911 news. But I have to say this takes the cake for uselessness.

The greatest part of this is that it's like a six graph story with three bullet points. WTF? The reader has voluntarily given up a few minutes of their day to read about Jessica Simpson being dumb (Weird, they forgot the Breaking News tag. Huh.) but CNN thinks they still need to distill the item to its essence and parse the difficult language found within the body of the story.

I know this is how Bush prefers getting his news, but the rest of us probably have the wherewithal to slog through the entire 200-word story to answer our burning Simpson-related questions. Or maybe, just maybe, they actually wrote it for Jessica to tell her what’s going on in her life.


metalia said...

Ha! I didn't know CNN had gotten like that. This reminds me of how, earlier in the week, I was attempting to read the New York Times in order to, y'know, stay abreast of world events, and instead got sucked in by (and ultimately wrote an entire post about) an old lady who received whale vomit that may be worth $18,000. I'm not made of stone!

Courtney said...

Hee hee, you misspelled "retarded." Sorry, I just couldn't let that go.

Red said...

My girl does SO know how to spell retarded, it's just that she... well sometimes I bet YOU spell stuff wrong too. That's right. I said it.

I'm very loyal, just not great with the comebacks. said...

it was a joke that didn't work. i hate doing the capital letters in the middle of words to draw attention to it, 'cause then you're like "is it a pun?"

anyway, no more jokes.