Tuesday, December 12, 2006

He denied knowing them three times before the cock crowed

I was finishing up some Christmas shopping last week at Borders. (Yes, you're all getting books from me. Because I like paying a lot for shipping, that's why.)

I make my way to the deceptively innocuous travel section and see three oily teenage boys' heads bowed over a book with Talmudic intensity.

I catch a few snippets — Is that hair? Who's that flexible? Where's her hand? — in what can only be described as reverent awe.

None of them spot me at first, then one notices a girl (a real live girl!) in their midsts, and he instantly becomes the all-knowing wise old oak of the trio.

“Geez guys,” Pimply McRetainer says, “It’s a reverse 69.” He is suddenly disgusted by his rube friends, who clearly have not only embarrassed him but also insulted his intelligence.

Then he marches off.


Untrainable said...

“It’s a reverse 69.”

Ah, yeah . . . no.

Gotta LOVE ignorance!

Melissa said...

So, it's a 96?

ReasonswhyIdumpedyou@gmail.com said...

I was so close to trying to impart wisdom, but he looked on the verge of tears, so I thought better.

Jacob Bennett said...

I thought a 96 was a priest and a nun.

Jacob Bennett said...

What wisdom, by the way?