Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Theories on life: The Essence Sentence

I have theories. And a blog. Which means if you’re reading this you’re gonna listen to my theories. On your company’s dime.

The first theory I discovered by accident one night at work a few years ago. There was a reporter I worked with who was constantly eating. Like plate-o’-pasta-at-10-a.m. kind of eating. I'm not sure if it was all the food, but she was also really flighty.

My work friend and I were trying to figure out how to sum her up and explain her to someone when she actually did it herself up quite nicely one night after she got back from covering a ribbon-cutting ceremony:

Me: {Reporter} this is a good quote, but you didn’t get the person’s name.
Her: Oops! I got distracted; there was cake.

Her very essence summed up into one little sentence. (P.S. She accidentally got pregnant a year or so later and we changed her sentence to “I got distracted; there was cock.”)

I’ve think everyone will do this once. It can’t be forced and nobody else can do it for you. It just falls out of your mouth one day.

Know-it-all esteemed and beloved former co-worker: “I’m never wrong and I’m right again this time.”
HB (my friend the Hibernating Bear, called that for her ability to sleep 13 hours a night): “Sometimes I get confused, wait, was I telling you that or Lauren?”

And then there’s another co-worker. (I’ll call him Vest for his insistence on wearing sweater vests on casual Friday.) He’s really nice, but I was trying to explain to someone why (besides the sweater vests) I couldn’t see myself dating him. Enter The Essence Sentence: “I just can’t wait to move to the suburbs.”

Now I have nothing against the burbs. It’s perfectly fine if you end up there. It’s possible I could be happy there myself someday, with all my little Kate Juniors running around, but it just doesn’t seem like a proper aspiration for a 26 year old guy.


Red said...

I'm trying to decide if you've had an essence sentence in my presence (that was a lot of -ence). said...

After I put this up, my friend and I were talking about siblings and I said "The only time I was allowed to babysit my brother and sister my mom came home to find me locked in the garage."

She tried to say that was my sentence. So apparently I'm always getting locked in places? Or terrorized by twins?

R. Justin said...

"Know-it-all former co-worker: “I’m never wrong and I’m right again this time.”

This sort of sounds like me... is it?

Sorry to keep such poor contact with you. Although it's probably your fault.

Click on the sig,

R. Justin

R. Justin said...

Also, I wonder why my hot sexy pic doesn't show up when I post a comment? said...

Well this lil' blog is just reuniting the whole gang. Yes "know-it-all" is said with the utmost love and respect.

R. Justin said...

I'll believe the love and respect when I see it.

BTW, I'm back at the good ol' BGDN. And there are more stories where those of old came from... oh yes, more stories indeed. said...

Gah! R. Justin. E-mail me and tell me what's going on!

R. Justin said...

Email me first! .. I don't know your email.

Red said...

Do you guys want to be alone?

R. Justin said...

Ha! No... Just long lost colleagues, one of whom (me) is in a situation both of us never would have thought I'd put myself into.

As someone wiser than me once said, "It's an inside joke."

Seriously, Kate, toss me an email, even a blank one. Then I'll reply with the whole sordid tale.

Red said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Red said...

Oh. Justin has a blog. I catch on quick.

Jacob Bennett said...

Dammit. I want to utter an essence sentence.
Is that R. Justin?

(That's not it, I hope.) said...

I have a feeling, Jacob, your sentence might just be "Bown." Story for another blog.