Tuesday, October 30, 2007

"He had no eyeballs, Officer. Does that help?"

Oh no! It's Halloween and you have no costume! Never fear. I've got one for you that's sure to scare strangers and loved ones alike: Go as a police sketch.

Everyone knows it's the scariest part of any crime. I have PTSD from just Googling these. So print out your favorite photo from below and make a mask. Add a hoodie. Wa-la.

The mutant people the sketch "artists" churn out look barely human. I loathe jumping to conclusions, but obviously these guys are all guilty.

This sketch artist is called the "Sketch artist Pacasso" for willfully ignoring of all sense of proportion.

Jayden James Spears-Federline in 22 years.

Yep, that's him. Second from the left. Yes, the eyeball-less one.

He's as surprised as you are that he knocked over that liquor store.

The Missing Link rapist

I'm not really sure how my African-American garden gnome came to life, but we'll never forget the trouble he caused.

So cute! He's like a baby with a gray beard!

"Hmmm, that's closer but needs a liiiiiiittle more forehead.”

Devo hat? Check. Manscaped eyebrows? Check. Face full o' makeup? Check. Let's go a-robbin'.

He kills his victims just by looking at them.

Someone called him "Angry Roseanne" one too many times.

Every serial killer ever.


Anonymous said...

How it Heaven's name did you ever come up with this most brilliant of ideas?! Oh, yes, I used a question mark and an exclamation point.

Pranay said...

You are so damn funny.

R. Justin said...

How did you manage to leave out THIS GUY?
These damn corporations... now they're giving criminals endorsement deals? America is going down the tubes.

ReasonswhyIdumpedyou@gmail.com said...

Maria - I hope it helped you out! ;-)

Pranay - Thanks

R. - He IS scary, but I feel better knowing Nike approves of him.